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Caring for Aging & Elderly Parents In Home

As we grow older, many of us make an important and challenging transition. Once, we were children who were cared for by our parents. But at some point, we become responsible for taking care of our elderly parents. Caring for aging parents is a complicated task, with a steep learning curve. But when it comes to avoiding some pitfalls, a little basic knowledge goes a long way. If you need in-home care for your aging parents in Vermont, here is some important information to consider.

Determine What Types of Care They Need

When trying to decide on in-home care for aging parents, the first step is determining the parameters of care. To do this, it’s best to consult with your parents’ medical care providers and a home care agency such as Hands At Home. Medical caregivers will build a plan to take care of any medical issues and ensure optimal health. And your in-home care agency will build a plan to provide in-home non-medical care.

What is Non-Medical In-Home Care?

Non-medical in-home care means support given in the home by a professional caregiver that does not require medical licensing. For example, non-medical caregivers help with cooking, cleaning, grooming, toileting, and transportation. They help people with mobility, such as getting them in and out of bed, the shower, or a wheelchair. They provide companionship, too, joining their clients in a conversation, a game of cards, or a walk in the neighborhood on a pleasant summer evening. Non-medical personal aides even help with medication management (although they cannot dispense medicine). But they cannot provide any type of medical care.

Choosing from A Variety of In-Home Care Options

Depending upon your parent(s) living situation and medical status, you might need to arrange for specialized home care for people with conditions such as COPD, Parkinson’s disease, or stroke. You might need to arrange dementia home care or home hospice care. You might need 24-hour home care or want the companionship and security of live-in home care. And because conditions change and emergencies arise, you probably should develop a plan for respite care, too. Given all these options, how can you develop an effective in-home care plan? With the help of a trusted in-home care provider such as Hands At Home.

A Plan for Caring for Aging Parents in Vermont

Taking care of elderly parents is a big responsibility, but it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. If you need help arranging reliable, high-quality in-home care for your parent(s), call Hands At Home. We will be glad to have an open, honest discussion about caring for elderly parents’ needs. And we will help you create a plan for your parents to age comfortably in their own home.